- Whatever is done as a means to build a good life is called by the name of ‘work.’
May God grant us the opportunity to do the things that we love, that entitle us to good rewards and recognition.
May our fortunes today be wonderful and full of blessing.
Amen - Do focus on your strengths, and you will become more confident in yourself.
Do not focus on your weaknesses, because doing so will weaken and sadden you.
- Giving elephant milk to a baby rat will not make it an elephant.
You have to decide on your becoming great first, before anything can make you great. - We have to do all that we can do, to achieve all that we want.
- Always, the person who is most easy to love - has a big capacity to love.
- You will never find peace and happiness, if you want to move on, but still continue to hang on.
- We will always be compared to those who are younger and less fortunate than we are, but have managed to make themselves great, prosperous, and graceful.
- Those who succeed, achieve their success through their decisiveness to make themselves more powerful than their problems.
May today God grants us a firmer heart and a clearer mind, that will make us stronger than the problems and challenges that we meet on our way up in life.
Amen - A loving heart is always young.
- This is for you who are thinking about starting your own business:
Do not wait for God to give you wings, before you are willing to jump.
God will give you wings, when it is very clear that you need them.
God gives you wings when you have to fly.
Source : mario teguh daily
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