• quotes motivation 10

    1. The level of fighting spirit in you determines the level of your success.
      The feistier you are in fighting for your rights to succeed, the more you achieve and the higher you fly. And may today God empower your determination to succeed, with feistiness that will propel you to higher levels of success.
    2. You will never feel desperate if you never hope.
      And you will never know the beauty of hope, if have not seen the deepest bottoms of desperation. 
    3. I'd rather be despised for being honest,
      because soon I will be loved;
      than be loved for being dishonest,
      because soon I will be despised.
    4. The dreams about the brilliance of your future have to have shadows in your daily life, in the form of actions that make you increasingly valuable for others. 
    5. It is better to endure the cuts and bruises of a brave life, than to cower in the false comfort of a life of no action.
    6. Not admitting mistakes and not asking for forgiveness are the very acts that prevent us from becoming a better person.
      May today you be blessed with peace of mind and willingness to admit your mistakes to your loved ones, to ask for their forgiveness, and continue living as a better person for their happiness.
      May God bless you always with harmonious relationships with your family and others.
      May today God bless you with wonderful fortunes.
    7. Excellence is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well.
    8. ou cannot reap what you do not plant.

      You cannot hope for something you do not cause.

      The goodness in our lives are the goodness that we have done.

      And the goodness of our future is determined by how good we are today.
    9. If you make sure that your every meeting with others is beautiful dan full of good feelings, your success is guaranteed.
    10. If you want to be a student, be a student of the highest teachers.
      If you want to be a teacher, be the teacher of as many students as possible.  

    Source : mario teguh daily   

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