• quotes motivation 9

    1. What we call success is not one good condition in the future, but a succession of good conditions every day.
    2. In the end everybody is responsible for his or her own well being.
      And that ‘in the end’ starts now.
    3.  The best way to win in most of arguments is to stay silent.
    4. Your confidence about your future is very much determined by how you respect yourself.
      Accepting the best that can be achieved, and not rejecting what is already the best for something better that we still want.
    6. I am not sure of what I am feeling, but if you insist and you must know, then I have to tell you … I love you.
    7. The only remedy for a heart that is broken by love, is to fall in love again.
    8. Be determined to renew yourself, because it is not possible for an old personality to be entitled to something new.
    9. The level of fighting spirit in you determines the level of your success.
      The feistier you are in fighting for your rights to succeed, the more you achieve and the higher you fly. And may today God empower your determination to succeed, with feistiness that will propel you to higher levels of success.
    10. You will never feel desperate if you never hope.
      And you will never know the beauty of hope, if have not seen the deepest bottoms of desperation.

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